We understand the importance of presenting a strong image of your company via visuals and text. We also understand the technical side of web development, which makes us unique in our industry. We have on staff advertising experts in copywriting, editing and video production. Additionally, we have experience in transferring that expertise to the web through blogs, email newsletters, podcasts, YouTube videos and RSS news feeds. We are not just a group of geeks mesmerized by the intricacies of code. Rather, our primary focus is on a positive overall Internet image for your company by providing content that is valuable to your customers.
Knowing what you are going to say, and why, is just as important as how you will say it. On the Internet redundancy is key in reaching all of your target audience. That’s why we recommend multiple venues for expressing your message. Newsletters and blogs are helpful for people who like to read. Podcasts and videos are better at reaching people who are visual learners, preferring to see or hear the message rather than read it. Finally, RSS feeds and Tweets are best for busy people with very short attention spans. You have only a few seconds to catch their eye.
For messages communicated via mobile devices it is even more critical that your words be few, powerful and prompt action. Our team is more than capable of providing you with the right words and pictures, adapted for the right medium, so that you reach the widest target audience, and thus get the most impact for your advertising dollar.